Printer Friendly Version 08.07.2023. - Ambassador Jović visited the parachute team of the Serbian Army in Erden (Montana municipality). @ 10 July 2023 10:06 AM

Paratroopers of the 63rd Parachute Brigade from Niš participated in the second round of the regional parachute competition, called "Eastern European Target Jump Cup", in the period from July 6 to 9, 2023, at the Erden Sports Airport. The immediate organizer and host of the competition was Aeroclub Montana and its president Angel Stamenov, with the support of the company "AVA Sky Ltd". Eight teams from the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, the Republic of Hungary, and the Republic of Poland took part in the competition.

On Saturday, July 8, the members of the Serbian Armed Forces participating in the competition were visited by the ambassador, Željko Jović, accompanied by the defense attache, Lieutenant Colonel Željko Simić. Members of the Parachute Team of the Serbian Armed Forces introduced the ambassador to the aviation sports discipline "jump to the target", the purpose and importance of participating in the competition. After the end of the competition day, the ambassador performed his first jump (tandem) with members of the Parachute Team of the 63rd Brigade, symbolically becoming a member of this great family. By the way, our paratroopers won the individual first place and the second place in the group competition at this competition.