Printer Friendly Version Fifth Quadrilateral Meeting of PR Vučić, PM of Romania, Bugaria and Greece, in Varna, 2nd November 2018 @ 8 November 2018 10:10 AM


The fifth quadrilateral meeting of PR Vučić with the prime ministers of Bulgaria, Romania and Greece was held in Varna, November 2, 2018. At the invitation of PМ RB Borissov, the Prime Minister of Israel B.Netanyahu was the guest of the event. He had a joint lunch with four Balkan leaders, and previously bilateral talks.

The focus of the summit was on infrastructure projects in the region, energy, and, along with that, a new idea emerged that Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece and Romania submit candidature for organising joint host of the Football World Cup in 2030. It was agreed that the next quadrilateral meeting will be held the upcoming December in Belgrade. At the invitation of PR Vučić in the capacity of the host of the event, the guest of the meeting will be the Austrian Chancellor S. Kurtz. The event in Varna and the interviews of four high-ranking officials received excellent media treatment and publicity.